Nuklear Industrie
Skip navigationTELBOT® with ATEX „Demo 2000“
Features of the TELBOT® with ATEX at a glance
Special features of the TELBOT® with ATEX
- no sparking due to specially coated surfaces
- no heat building by the motors as they are located outside the danger area
- cleaning by means of integrated high-pressure lance
- easy operation due to infinitely rotatable joints
- built-in collision avoidance to avoid damage
- control outside from the container protects people
- complete software-based cleaning of every point in the tank
Some advantages of the virtual reality software
- In-house development: adapted to customer requirements
- Security: working from secured positions
- Automate: Planning, generation and execution of work paths is automated
- Simulation: Real-time mapping of reality
- Cost-efficient: virtual instead of real test benches
- Spacing: Minimum clearances are automatically maintained
- Integrated: collision avoidance
- Real time: the mental relief
Find out more about the TELBOT® Z0 robot! >
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